My dearest twins Angels…

You both are my special gifts given by God.

When you both smile,I feel – I have thrown away all burdens having my own head like load.

One of you are my laughing rose and become as fragrance of my imagination’s garden.

Second of you are my eye’s sparking by smiling a million dollar like many fireflies in my home alone.

I am waiting for you for saying welcome.

When you both will come here,I feel proud on myself own.

My dear Sona and Mona!! Please come soon.

With me all stars,galaxies are waiting for you including my moon.

After then I will feel rest in your naughty activities.

Your every activity is heavenly pleasures for mine as oasis of thrusts.

You are my own treasures of dreams in my sleeping time.

You are the magical rods of Angels who come from heaven and become enchanting voice of chime.

Your existences are to make my life’s song as sublime.

You both are my every inhalation and exhalation,my dears!!

So waiting for you,I am sending you my heartly wishing like wings.

My dear barbies!! Fly at once and land on my empty laps.

Sent by your mummy🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😊😊😊😍😍😍😍😍😍


My dearest twins Daughter…….

You both are my special gifts given by God.

When you both smile,I feel – I have thrown away all burdens having my own head like load.

One of you are my laughing rose and become as fragrance of my imagination’s garden.

Second of you are my eye’s sparking by smiling a million dollar like many fireflies in my home alone.

I am waiting for you for saying welcome.

When you both will come here,I feel proud on myself own.

My dear Sona and Mona!! Please come soon.

With me all stars,galaxies are waiting for you including my moon.

After then I will feel rest in your naughty activities.

Your every activity is heavenly pleasures for mine as oasis of thrusts.

You are my own treasures of dreams in my sleeping time.

You are the magical rods of Angels who come from heaven and become enchanting voice of chime.

Your existences are to make my life’s song as sublime.

You both are my every inhalation and exhalation,my dears!!

So waiting for you,I am sending you my heartly wishing like wings.

My dear barbies!! Fly at once and land on my empty laps.

Sent by your mummy🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😊😊😊😍😍😍😍😍😍

रफ़ूगर है क्या मेरी ऱूह…….

ऐ ज़िन्दगी !! क्या तूने मुझे रफ़ूगर समझा है,

कि उम्र भर तेरे प़ैरहन को रफ़ू करती रहूँ,

जख़्म पर जख़्म तू खाये जान के भी,

और मैं तेरे जख़्मों को सिलती रहूँ।

जा अपने ख़ुदा से पूछ क्यों तेरा ये हाल है,

या इसमें भी तेरी कोई चाल है।

मैं आज़ाद ऱूह की रव़ानगी हूँ,

मैं दीवानी सी ऱूह की दिव़ानगी हूँ।

तेरे ही ब़दन का हिस्सा हूँ,

इक ख़ामोश सा किस्सा हूँ।

मेरा अपना एक समन्दर है,

उसी के उफ़क पे डूबते आफ़ताब की लाली


अपने ज़ुनून में घुमड़ती घटा कज़ा सी मतवाली


बरस पड़ी तो क़ायनात की आफ़त हूँ,

और इंसानियत की भी शराफ़त हूँ।

तू तो बहुत शातिर है ज़िदगी है,

और तेरी श़रारतों की मैं ख़िलाफत हूँ।

एक काम कर तू ऐ नाद़ान ज़िन्दगी !!

कि उसी पुराने फटे लिब़ास में ही खुश रह,

कि इक दिन नंगे बदन ही तुझे समन्दर-ए-ज़लाल में फ़ना होना है।

अब मेरी सुंई टूट चुकी औ’ धागा भी चुक गया,

फटे प़ैरहन का ग़िला ना कर,दिखावे से दूर रह,

कि तुझे भी मेरे संग मालिक-ए-जहां के पास अपनी अऩा लेके जाना है।

Written by Aruna Sharma.27.10.2021;11.30PM

Karwa Chauth🌜🌟🌛

Today is festival of Karwa Chauth which are celebrated by women for good wishes for their husbands and by girls to get a most liking groom.


But I don’t like this ritual.

And for those men who are tortured by their wives,why I should do for them.among them ,my own only one brother is any laws for men for it.only tears…..

Out of sight,Out of mind but How … I can imagine my own existence without you,my dear deja vu!!

May be I never met you but feel always a part of soul of you.

When a lonely most shining star comes daily on my blue sky,

Staring me with love at edge of my roof’s thread as swinging,why,

I know by my heart who say it is only for mine,but sigh….

Your echoing sighs reach daily here and melt with my heart’s sigh…

What is this and why,

Know -only a hope’s cry.

I am waiting to take a birth again after death only for you,

Please wait till that time when sunset begins for coming a promise of dawn for you.

How can i forget you and your sweet melodious voice,

Uhh.never and never forget you as the falling dew on my rosey choice.

It is impossible-out of sight then out of mind,

Because your memories is in my imagination’s pond as fully drowned.

And me…….. a debt of your love, mi amour!!

I will be thankful for you till il giorno del giudizio,mi amour!!

And i believe on that day,

We both will come again on your little hut,

And live together as two body and one soul,i surely bet.

Written by Aruna Sharma.24.10.2021;1.12AM

Mi amour!!

हाँ,मैं क़ाफिर हूँ …..

कोई दीन या मज़हब नहीं मेरा,

सारे ख़ुदा दुनिया के वास्ते हैं।

ये मंदिर,मस्जिद औ’ गिरजे बस इमारत हैं,

उन तक जाने को बेकरार दुनिया के रास्ते हैं।

ये सब मज़हब के फरेब मेरे द़िल पे बोझ हैं,

सब में बस गुफ्तगू-ए-ख़ू और कत्ले आम है।

मेरे मज़हब में खून नहीं इश्क का दरिया बहता है,

इश्क के दरिया में ही कुफ्र का फूल खिलना आम है।

ये जख़्मों के पैबन्द लगे रिश्ते,ये सभी मेरे पैरोकार,

इक सीलन सी बू लिये मेरे सभी सरोकार,

अब व़ुजूद पे रखे सीले से गठ्ठर लगते हैं।

मेरी आजाद खयालों के नर्म पाँव में,

रास्तों में फैले बेतरतीब पत्थर से चुभते हैं।

आज फिर मेरे चिनारों ने खून के आँसू बहाये,

कि फिर कोई ज़ुल्मी कल चैनों सुकून से बैठे लोगों का क़त्ले-आम कर गया।

आज मैंने भी सभी मज़हबों को कोसा,और

ऐलान किया-ऐ मज़हब के हाफ़िज !!फ़तवा जारी कर ग़र दिल में कुछ हिस्सा-ओ इमान है बचा।

पर लगता है सब बहरे औ’ अंधे हो चुके हैं,

नहीं यहाँ कोई सहारा किसी का चाहे अश़्क बहें या ख़ू-रश़्क बहे।

मैंने भी बद्दुआओं की पोटली खोल दी ज़ालिमों की खातिर,

और किनारा कर लिया इस दुनिया से जो है बड़ी श़ातिर।

हाँ,मेर तेवर बगावती हैं और मेरे मौला को पसन्द हैं,

मेरा क़ाफिराना लहजे से वो खुश औ’ रजामन्द है।

बस यही छोटी सी दुनिया है मेरी नाम जिसका कुफ्र है,

मेरा मालिक आसमान पे बैठा खुश है ,कोई गम़ नहीं क्या चीज फिक्र है।

Written by Aruna Sharma.21.10.2021;12.17AM

A City Named Dew….

Here all things are in D shape

The pond is in D shape

Can my heart swim there and all things to face

All palm trees are bowed in D shape

All paths are walking with calm mood in D shape

Are they waiting for coming essere tutto pepe

I feel this city is a reflection of promise of dawn’s dew

All branches are bowed in honour of him to shower some dew

Oh.i went which place he does not like me

Sorry all palm trees for daring to enter your woods by me

That city is unique and lonely

Only one person can live there as lonely

His little hut is a temple to worship of Goddess of love only

And that pond should be pure and holy

All those areas are prohibited,may be coming person is his amour

I am fully satisfied to see him at his own corner to see sunset become happy than before.

Written by Aruna Sharma.19.10.2021;1.14 am.

🌹🌴🌹🌴🌹bless you with love,me amour!!

Who is aruna?a soul of mi amour.

May God bless you,my D🌹🌴🌴🌴🌹